Loumet Chibolster




The ChiBolster is an adjustable, air-filled apparatus that provides support and allows movement at the same time.

By providing an "active support", the ChiBolster helps eliminate static positioning and flexion that regularly occurs during routine floor work exercises as well as everyday sitting.

The patented design of the ChiBolster makes it the ideal fitness tool to incorporate into everyday floor work exercises like abdominal work, stretching and Pilates.

Being self inflatable, the ChiBolster is simple to adjust from a lower level of difficulty to a higher level of difficulty, making it an ideal fitness apparatus for both beginners and fitness professionals. 

What does ChiBolster do?

The ChiBolster provides an unstable platform necessary to activate under-utilized and often weaker intrinsic muscles and stabilizers required for fluid movement, peak performance and strength. The patented "active" design of the ChiBolster constantly gives feedback throughout your movements, providing you with an awareness for activating your performance enhancing intrinsic muscles and stabilizers.


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